Lyme Disease


Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria that’s transmitted from a tick or insect bite. A majority of the cases of Lyme disease are due to a bite from a deer tick, also known as the black-legged tick, which can carry and pass on bacteria known as “borrelia burgdorferi.”  According to the Michigan Lyme Disease Association, it’s also been found that other insects can spread Lyme disease or cause similar infections — including other types of ticks, mosquitoes, and possibly spiders or fleas. Over 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease every year, according to research from the Centers of Disease Control (CDC). Lyme disease cases are largely concentrated in the Northeast and upper Midwest, with 14 states accounting for about 96 percent of reported cases to the CDC.

Lyme disease symptoms may start with flu like symptoms, headaches, muscle and joint pain. Over time, these symptoms can continue to worsen and turn into a lengthy inflammatory response that can mimic an autoimmune illness.

It’s important to understand that Lyme disease starts with an insect bite.  But the symptoms are caused by an inflammatory infection. The strength of one’s immune system has a lot to do with the outcome of the disease. The best way to treat Lyme disease symptoms is by overall improved immunity.

(Example: If two people are both bit by the same insect carrying the bacteria that causes Lyme disease each person will respond differently.  I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in December of 2016 but my immune system was strong and was fighting it hard.)

What are Symptoms & Causes: 

  • Flu-like symptoms, may show up after being infected, which may include: fever, trouble sleeping, neck pain, fatigue, chills, sweats and muscle aches.
  • chronic fatigue and lethargy.
  • Digestive issues, including nausea and loss of appetite.
  • Achiness and joint pains. The CDC found around 30 percent of Lyme patients may develop symptoms of arthritis.
  • If left untreated many people experience mood changes, included increased depression and fatigue.
  • Other long-term symptoms can include forgetfulness, headaches, misplacing things and trouble concentrating.

What Contributes to the Cause of Lyme Disease:

Lyme disease is triggered by an infection caused by a tick bite, but I believe the outcome of the disease has a lot to do with:

  1. The systemic Bacterial infection caused by the bite
  2. One’s weakened immune system
  3. One’s cellular function and protection
  4. One’s exposure to mold and parasites.

Natural Treatments for Lyme Disease

If you are struggling with Lyme disease here are some simple, yet effective, ways to help manage your symptoms naturally.

  1. Change your diet to decrease inflammation and eat anti-inflammatory foods by adding more Omega 3 foods like chia seeds, flax seeds, cold pressed flaxseed oil, wild caught salmon. Eat lots of leafy greens and colorful vegetables, incorporate coconut oil daily, drink bone broth daily as it has healing effects on your gut. Sprouted nuts and seeds, grass fed beef, organic pastured pork and chicken, raw cultured dairy and organic berries are a great anti-oxidant.
  1. Reduce or eliminate your intake of foods that cause inflammation like: Processed foods, refined sugars, and GMO-grains. If you choose to eat grains always look for organic and sprouted varieties as they are easier on the digestive system and more nutrient dense.
  1. Add probiotic foods to your daily meals: Kefir, unsweetened raw goat kefir or grass-fed cow kefir, organic labne kefir cheese, raw probiotic sauerkraut, kimchi, beet kvass and my favorite Bubbies dill pickles! I love WildBrine brand of sauerkraut as they have a variety of flavors to choose from.
  1. Supplementation to improve cellular function:
  • Probiotic: A daily dose is probably one the most important things you can do to help boost your system. I like a 10 strain 50 billion units.  I use this one.
  • Multi Vitamin: to keep your cells nourished as a woman over 40 I use this one.
  • Turmeric: to help reduce inflammation
  • Vitamin D: to reduce regulate inflammation and boost immunity, but have your levels checked if low supplement with 2000 iu daily or what is recommended by your doctor until you achieve optimal levels. Getting out into the sunshine 20 minutes a day without sunscreen can naturally help boost your Vitamin D.  This is a great one for absorbtion
  • B-Complex: helps with the effects of stress and fatigue. Check your multi vitamin as it may have all the B-complex you need.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acid: to help reduce inflammation and neurological functions. I use this one.
  • Medicinal Mushrooms: promote an adaptive immune system which helps control autoimmune reactions, boost intracellular antioxidants called superoxide dismutase (SOD) which protects your cells. Medicinal Mushrooms can also increase function of natural killer cells that can kill off bad bacteria. I personally use this one from Boku Foods once per day.
  • Anti-Oxidant Super Berries: May help control free radical damage and inflammation, these may lower your risk for nutrient deficiencies, and can protect your complications of Lyme disease. I personally use this one by Boku Foods twice daily.
  • Magnesium: Plays many roles in the body, from supporting nerve signaling to reducing muscle aches. Individuals with Lyme disease cannot afford to run low because of the stress and illness caused by Lyme disease and can increase the need of magnesium even more.
  • CoQ10/Ubiquinol: This can help protect your brain and nervous system from degradation and inflammation and it may help ease symptoms of joint aches and pains. I like Ubiquinol as it has better assimilation.  This is the one I use.
  • Adaptogenic herbs: ashwaganda, astragalus, rhodiola rosea root, Eleuthero, and Asian Ginseng: This helps support adrenal function which can help with stress factors of the disease.  I personally take this one daily

Other coping mechanisms that you can use to help elevate the stress, get enough sleep and manage the emotional symptoms of the disease:

Self-Care: I am big on this one as you cannot take care of others until you take care of yourself.

  1. Meditation: There are so many great apps that you can download on your phone that will set reminders so you can take 10 minutes of mindfulness. This is great for reducing stress. I like Headspace and Calm.
  1. Fun: Create weekly fun days to be spent with family or friends.
  1. Sleep: Get plenty of sleep I cannot stress this one enough. If you have a hard time sleeping practice relaxation techniques before bed.  Headspace has a great sleep meditation that you listen and do while in bed to help you fall asleep.
  1. Dry Brushing: This is a must which should be performed at least 3 times a week. The benefits of dry brushing are:
  • When you dry brush your skin, it increases circulation to your skin, which encourages the elimination of metabolic waste
  • In your body, your lymphatic system is the system responsible for eliminating cellular waste products. Hundreds of miles of lymphatic tubules allow waste to be collected from your tissues and transported to your blood for elimination, a process referred to as lymphatic drainage.
  • Dry Brushing will help support the lymphatic system when it is not working properly. Waste and toxins can build up and make you feel sick. Having lymphatic congestion is a major factor leading to inflammation and disease. Dry Brushing stimulates your lymphatic system and thus helps it release toxins, therefore making this a powerful detoxification aid.
  • Dry brushing may reduce muscle tension, calm your mind, and relieve stress. Many compare it to a light whole-body massage.
  • Dry skin brushing may even help to support your digestion and organ function.
  • How do I dry brush .

Reduce parasites and mold:

  1. Activated Charcoal: is another way to dispel harmful/toxic substances in the body. Be sure to take the activated charcoal first thing in the morning at least 1 hour before any supplementation as the charcoal can bind to minerals and pull them out of the system as well.
  1. Herbs: There are several herbs that work great at getting rid of parasites but work with a certified herbalist if you choose to try this method.
  1. Detox Baths: 2 cups of Magnesium flakes, ½ cup of bentonite clay and ½ cup of baking soda in a hot bath with drops of your favorite essential oils, I like using Lavender and Chamomile, especially if taking a detox bath at night as it totally relaxes you and prepares you for bed.
  1. Ketogenic Diet: One way not to feed parasites in the body is to remove all sugar, eat a low carbohydrate diet that is filled with healthy fats as this can starve the little guys.

So, in summary remember to be good to yourself.  Healing takes time and it does not happen overnight.  Concentrate on nutrient density of each meal, practice self-care daily to reduce stress.  Remember to just do your best, be patient and never lose hope. Listen to your body and do what works best for you.

Cyrex labs now offers a great pathogen test called an Array 12.  If you suspect that you may have lyme disease and you cannot get you GP to agree find a Dr. that works with Cyrex labs.  It was the best test I have done to date to help me fine tune my health.



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